Frequently Asked Questions
How will the use of formula XP – 12 increase my fuel economy?
Is the increase in fuel economy that I can expect from the use of Formula XP – 12 alone?
Does the formula EXPE – 12 lower operating temperatures? Why would I want to keep them lower?
Should I change my oil or other fluids prior to adding the formula XP – 12? Will it provide the same protection?
Can you over treat with formula XP – 12?
Do I need to reduce the amount lubricating fluids when I incorporate formula XP—12 into my servicing?
Why do the application rates and XP Formulas vary between on-road vehicles and off-road extreme use equipment?
Why is the recommended application amount 1 ounce per quart of Formula XP – 12 for hydraulic fluid?
Where will I see the reduction in maintenance issues?
Why do I only have to add formula XP – 12 to the automatic transmission every 24,000 miles and to the differentials, power steering, and hydraulics at yearly servicing?
Why should I use Diesel XP in my fuel?
People keep talking about the effects of ULSD, what are they?
What increase in fuel economy can I expect from the use of Diesel XP alone?
Why do I need a cetane booster?
Why is replacing the lost lubricity so important?
What effect will Diesel XP have older vehicles and equipment?
My vehicle seems like it has more power but my fuel economy has dropped?
What will the Diesel XP do to the water in my bulk tank?
What can I do if I do not fuel my fleet with bulk tanks?
Why is bulk tank maintenance so important when beginning to use Diesel XP?
How can 1 product replace 2-5 products from other companies?
How does the Diesel XP reduce particulate matter in the emissions?
My trucks are all 2007 or newer, why do I need Diesel XP?
Why should I use both the Formula XP-12 and the Diesel XP together?
Why am I running through my supply of Diesel XP so fast?
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